Online Worksheets for all students

Supplementing student’s education With a wide range of Worksheets in Teno App get started

Teno App offers a huge range of worksheet options covering several different topics for every level of class in the school. Worksheets are available for subjects such as English, mathematics, grammar, History, etc., and many more that actively challenge students and sharpen their minds and skills.

how it works

Signup or Login to your Teno App and select “Worksheets”

Choose the board, class, and subject and press ‘select’

Select from the option and share it with the groups

get started

Features of Worksheets on Teno App

Benefits of Teno’s Worksheets

Range of

Teachers have a wide range of worksheets to
select from

Easy to

Choose your worksheet from the list and share them with the group


Digital results for each worksheet for every
student available on the App


Challenging worksheets leads to
academic progress

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An engaging tool that promotes active learning

What are school worksheets? To put it simply, school worksheets are a form of assessment given by teachers to students that contain a set of questionnaires and tasks. Teno’s live worksheets have proven to be an effective tool for learning that help teachers to understand students’ previous knowledge, the outcome of learning, and the progress of learning. Teachers all across India use Teno’s online worksheet for students as they are made available for all the subjects for both ICSE and CBSE boards.

Qualitative research is undertaken to prepare the live worksheets on Teno, for which the data is gathered from verified sources and backed by industry experts. Teachers save a lot of time and effort as they can select or customize from a wide range of online worksheets for students and track their results and progress online. It is a great tool to engage students in holistic learning, understand their weaknesses, and actively work towards it.

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