Online Teacher Attendance for Schools

Daily timeclock for teachers on the app Where admins can manage and approve shifts get started

Teno’s staff attendance feature allows teachers to manage their leaves online as well as mark their daily start and end time through the app or the biometric system. School admins save a lot of time and effort as Teno App allows them to digitally regulate attendance sheets, create shifts and holiday calendar.

how it works

Login to Teno Mobile App or Website

Teachers can easily mark In and Out time from the home screen

Admins can access the feature from the “Attendance” tab in the left menu

get started

Benefits of Teno’s Online Teacher Attendance App


No need for punch-ins, Log in to your Teno app


Teachers can browse their timesheet for every month


Teachers get updates for any shift changes or approvals


Teachers can reapply for any rejected shifts and enter missed attendance on a later date


Easy integration with existing biometric solution


Admins can easily approve or reject teacher’s attendance

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Manage Teacher Attendance with ease

Online Teacher Attendance simplifies the task of school administration as it provides clear and accurate information regarding staff working schedules and hours during remote schooling. In addition to this, Teno’s teacher attendance app is equipped with reporting attendance, creating holiday calendar, application for leaves, online approval for leaves and shifts, analytics, and more.

The online teacher attendance feature automates this process as teachers can punch in their login and logoff hours, reapply for any rejected or missed shift within the app. School admins get real-time notification and get access to the timesheet with all the updated records. A teacher attendance app that simplifies tasks for both teachers and institutes on a daily basis.

contact US

General Enquiries: Support requests:

Call us at: +91 22 6198 7676

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Having trouble using Teno?
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